Children Health and Wellness Policy Analysis in Tennessee


Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth

Published on Apr 16, 2019

Child Trends one of the nation’s leading research institutions related to children’s health and well-being has released a state-specific analysis of policies and procedures related to the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model of education.

New resources map what states are doing to promote healthy schools. These resources give governors, superintendents, and state lawmakers tools to build schools that address the full range of issues affecting a child’s ability to learn and thrive. This comprehensive approach will also help states craft policies that create more supportive schools for children exposed to traumatic experiences.

The research features a 50-state analysis of how state policies support healthy schools. While every state has policies aimed at addressing school health and wellness, only a handful focus on all aspects of a healthy school environment; those that do address multiple aspects often do so in a siloed manner. The resources also feature guidance that policymakers can use to break down these silos and build learning environments that effectively support students, particularly those with a history of traumatic experiences.

By providing students with strong relationships with trusted adults, mental and physical health services, and a supportive learning environment, schools can give students who struggle with trauma greater access to critical protective factors. Child Trends will be sharing information about these resources and speaking specifically about Tennessee’s rankings.