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Habits of the Mind, Habits of Health and Communication

Today's Talk is ~ Making It a Habit ~ TO MAKE HABITS♡ By creating new healthier habits, we can ultimately create a better pathway to the future. Before we can identify unhealthy habits, we must understand who we are and where we want to be.

Season 1: Episode 10: David Stoecker, The HOPE DEALER 15min Listen

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sznFb5YJXeE Today on Resilient Radio Podcast... we have a Hope Dealer in Longterm Recovery, a man...

Season 1: Episode 9: MAKE RECOVERY THE EPIDEMIC with Victor Estrada

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3T1G8gO1TO4&feature=youtu.be Today we have Recovery Warrior Victor Estrada!!! He is fighting on the front lines of this "War on...