Tennessee Advocacy Talk conducted a pilot program last year on Social Media Suicide Encouragement. Every day our youth can have access to Social Media. Suicide Pictures, How to’s, and bullying exist right now on the internet. We were able to outreach to youth who posted these images and cries for help on Social Media.
Social Media platforms have thousands of posts actually encouraging suicide and we want to help stop this trend. We do this by reporting images, reaching out to the youth with messages for suicide hotlines, and we have conversations with those who are telling people how to commit suicide and ask them to stop and take down their How To posts or articles. If you are interested in volunteering, donating, or joining our mission to clean up the internet from Suicide Encouragement, Please visit TennTalk.org to send a message titled: End Suicide Encouragement and someone will reach out to you.
For crisis emergencies, please dial 911